90 Days Alcohol Free

I have committed to something wild, you guys! Today marks day 19 of a 90 day alcohol free cleanse.  That should take me right up to our wedding anniversary and I plan to have champagne by the fireplace in Joshua Tree, just like we did the night before our wedding in January of last year. Or maybe never, who knows?! Until then, I’ll be trying all of the deliciously amazing and mood boosting alcohol free elixirs that are popping up everywhere! I am loving Kin Euphorics, Recess (strawberry rose is SO good) and slowly working my way through all of the pretty cans at Erewhon (maybe still saving money? lol). Anyway, you may wonder why I’d voluntarily give up Rose` on the rooftop, Sauvignon Blanc on a summer evening or Pinot Noir on a long Thursday...the reason is simple: the good vibes from alcohol last about 2 hours and then I have to crawl back out of that hole for 3 days to feel as good as I did that morning.  It’s not that I wake up like I did in my 20’s with a dry mouth, pounding headache and the most intense cravings for a breakfast sandwich on a bagel, but I have gotten to a place where I feel so good most days and when I don’t feel 100%, it’s just not worth it.  Now, I notice a little more anxiety, less productivity, poor food choices and weak workouts.  I’m tired of feeling amazing, enhancing that with a few drinks each week and then starting over.  I LOVE feeling my best, and I feel my best when I don’t drink. So far, as I get close to 3 weeks AF, I feel lighter in body and mind, I feel in control of my days, going on hikes, making delicious meals, feeling less irritated by small things, more productive in my business and personal life, and just overall, GOOD. I also love the fact that there is no weighing the decision on date night or weekends.  No thinking of whether or not I will regret ordering a drink tomorrow (and the next day for that matter!). There have been many moments where I’m like “Ooohh, that sounds so good right now, it’s been such a great day/we hiked so far/we have a sitter/it’s a beautiful Fall Saturday”, etc., but that feeling always passes and I am SO glad I didn’t give in so easily.  I NEVER have a day where I’m like “Damn, I wish I had that wine last night!”. 

I started reading more about the effects of alcohol on our body and mind, after noticing over the past year how much better I felt without it and it isn’t cute.  Alcohol is a legitimate poison and every part of our body gears up for detoxification to get back to homeostasis.  This process disrupts your sleep, brain chemistry, organ function, gut, and even the size of your brain.  Look up Dr. Amen’s brain scans for evidence of this; it’s really eye-opening. I also really admire women like Arielle Lorre, Jen Atkin, Glennon Doyle, Jessica Simpson (you MUST read her book and wow, John Mayer was an asshole!) and other women who have also decided that alcohol just doesn’t fit into their lifestyle.  It felt SO incredibly contradictory to every other choice I make for my own wellbeing. I feel empowered by taking control of how I feel.

If you’re interested in taking a break or exploring your own relationship with alcohol, send me a message on Instagram or an email at kristen@holisticwithkristen.com. I also highly recommend the book “Quit Like a Woman” to get a better understanding of the marketing of alcohol to women and the culture that has been created that is not in our best interests.  This isn’t to say that we should all give it up forever or commit to a sober lifestyle, it’s more to understand and make conscious, intentional choices that align with your values.  

And because we all want to look our best too, you can expect hydrated, plump skin, brighter eyes, healthier hair and nails and much less bloat.  You may lose a few pounds too, which for me is mostly attributed to not only the lack of empty calories, but also the impulsive pizza order and cheesy, carb-y food the next day!

xo , Kristen

PS: The podcast episode with Sarah Kate of @rethinkingdrinking has the most downloads of any episode on The Feel Better Podcast so we’ve decided to host a free Zoom Happy Hour with a mocktail recipe that we can all make together and hang out virtually! Fun, right?! The event will be Wednesday, October 20th at 5pm PST/8pm EST and I’ll share details on Instagram as we get closer.  Message me if you want to join and I’ll be sure to send you the link. I’d love to see you there, whether you make a mocktail or a cocktail; no one’s judging! 


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