Avoiding Toxic Food & Toxic People

You know the saying “you are what you eat”? Well you are also who you eat with and where you eat! Have you ever noticed that you feel nauseous, bloated or have indigestion when you eat around someone who you don’t particularly care for, or after an argument?  Even an environment that makes you uncomfortable or gives you bad vibes can have this effect (at your desk while answering emails during lunch?). The mind-gut connection is strong (evidenced by the knots in your stomach before a big event!) and once you recognize that, you can use it to your advantage!  

  • Inflammation - processed foods and stress cause inflammation in the body which is the root cause of so many diseases and health issues.  Your body goes into a continuous state of trying to bring itself back to homeostasis. Inflammation on occasion is helpful, such as when you cut your finger and the skin swells to protect it, but when inflammation is continuous (whether from what you’re putting in your body or who you’re surrounding yourself with) it can have detrimental effects.

  • Bloating - “artificial flavors” and even “natural flavors” are just two of the items you’ll see on an ingredient list.  What are they? No one can REALLY say….(I love how The Food Babe breaks this down regularly) watch out for fake sweeteners just as you would fake people. While artificial sweeteners like xylitol can cause bloating, so can the stress of dealing with people who don’t have your best interests in mind! 

  • Poor Sleep - eating too late can disrupt your sleep if you consume a heavy meal, because your body is expending energy digesting that food instead of embarking on the restorative processes it takes on while you’re sleeping.  Hitting up happy hours and dinners or even dates when you really wanted to say no can also disrupt your sleep.  Choose yourself! Set boundaries and see how it feels to say “no” when you really want to stay home.  

More often than not (we’re not aiming for perfection here!) choose whole, unprocessed foods and authentic people who make you feel good when you’re around them.  Slow down and breathe.  Take time to connect with your food by plating it, tasting it, chewing thoroughly and appreciating it.  Do the same with the relationships you value.  Put your phone down, listen, connect.  Remember why you’re there. Spend time with people who elevate you and appreciate you and also those who appropriately call you on your shit, because they’re important for growth too. Set boundaries.  Say no when you don’t want to go out and go to sleep instead because if feels good.  Drink tea with magnesium powder and read a book rather than drinking wine and looking at your phone. Choose quality over quantity and choose yourself.

In Good Health,


PS - if you need a little more structure to make these small shifts, check out my eBook The 2 Week Reset where I go into more detail on the connection between body, mind and spirit and provide lots of tips and tricks for re-balancing your life.


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