Expanders and Why They Are Important for Manifesting Your Dreams

Like you, I have so many goals and dreams and things I want to achieve, whether in mindset or in material things.  Something that has always helped me get to the next step is believing that if someone else could do it, there was no reason I couldn’t too.  I used this perspective (and blind faith!) when deciding to move across the country, when deciding to have a baby, and also when deciding to start my own business.  By knowing that other people have done the same successfully, I “saw” that it was possible, and so it was.  I never knew that this was a thing or that there was a way to really harness this until I started Lacy Phillips’ coursework “To Be Magnetic”.  She perfectly named these people “Expanders”, because they expand our beliefs about what is possible.  She describes it as a “see it to believe it” type deal and I totally get that!  I remember hearing a story about a world record for sprinting.  No one had been able to beat this record, for years and years.  Once one person beat it, all of a sudden, many people were able to beat the record too.  Crazy, right?!  These Expanders are people we look up to who have similar stories as us and have gotten to a place where we want to be.  We can harness that visibility as intuitive pings and use it to manifest the same for ourselves.  

Do you have Expanders in your life? If not, can you begin thinking about who you admire (even someone who makes you feel little pangs of envy, which is informative) and who has achieved similar goals to what you dream of manifesting? When you prime your subconscious to believe that things are possible, you find that opportunities present themselves and you are open to them.  By surrounding yourself with your Expanders, even as social media “friends”, you LIVE in it.  When I think of Expanders for myself, there are 3 very obvious women that come to mind (and I think this can change and evolve as well) - Lauryn Evarts Bosstick (The Skinny Confidential), Melissa Wood Tepperberg (Melissa Wood Health) and Arielle Lorre (The Blonde Files).  All three of these women have made it to a place that I hope to get to personally, spiritually and professionally.  It can be so inspiring to have those people identified as positive influences in your life and proof that you too, can achieve great things.  I’d LOVE to hear who your Expanders are! Let me know on my latest IG post and I’ll do a random drawing for a copy of The 2 Week Reset!




The Feel Better Podcast: Ep. 1- solo


Beat the Bloat