Beat the Bloat

Bloating is one of the top complaints I hear from clients, friends, coworkers and at one point, myself.  It seems that a “food baby” or looking “6 months pregnant” are all too common phrases. Why is it that we can wake up in the morning feeling light and lean and within what seems like a glance of water, we’re feeling full and uncomfortable?  Well, for starters, some bloating is normal and as food is digested, gasses are released.  However, not all bloat is “normal” even though it may feel that way to you, and there are lots of things that you can do and look at to eliminate that bloated, uncomfortable feeling on a regular basis (tacos and margaritas, well you might as well put the elastic waist pants on now and enjoy it lol).

Possible Causes:

Stress - if your body is constantly in “fight or flight” mode your stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) are soaring high, your body is going to store everything to save you from potential danger.

Dairy intolerance - research shows that almost 70% of adults have dairy intolerance. That is most of us! I know personally, that a bowl of ice cream will have me in major stomach pain (even if it’s worth it on occasion).

Alcohol - well, it’s literal poison.  It’s an inflammatory substance in and of itself and if you add sugary additions to your alcohol, you get a double dose of bloat (I’m sure that’s one reason that Real Housewives across the country stick to a shot of Casamigos..)

Large meals/portions - sometimes our eyes are bigger than our stomachs and we eat way beyond the point at which we’ve eliminated our hunger. Did you know that it takes up to 20 minutes for your brain to receive the signal that you’re full?

Adding too much fiber too soon - those GG Crackers can sneak up on you quickly and cause digestive discomfort.  

Eating your food too fast and not chewing enough - chewing your food properly means most of the work is done in your mouth and less in your gut, which can ease the burden and the bloat

Fizzy drinks - carbonated water = carbonated belly

Lack of sleep - this is the worst for me. When you don’t get adequate sleep, your body is in distress and releases the stress hormone cortisol. Also, being tired causes you to crave quick energy through carbs, which can lead to overeating and feeling bloated (which is also why you experience this when hungover).

Sitting at your desk all day - when you’re constantly cramped up and sedentary, everything gets stagnant. It’s probably also safe to assume that you’re hunched over your belly and not taking long, deep breaths either. 

So what is the best way to combat bloat? First, identify your culprit(s) and try the following: 

  • Regulate stress through breathwork and meditation. Allow your adrenals to rest and stimulate that vagus nerve.  I love Wim Hoff and The Den Meditation for quick and effective guided sessions and I am also a huge proponent of the 4-7-8 breathing technique. Read more about using breathwork to reduce stress and anxiety here

  • Limiting or cutting out alcohol. If you aren’t interested in cutting it out completely, try sticking to drinks that don’t contain sugary mixers, and truly alternate with water. I wrote a post on this recently, which you can find here.

  • Mindfully plate your food.  I love using a smaller, pretty plate or bowl knowing that I can always get more if I’m still hungry.  This allows you to take a pause to consider whether you’re really still hungry or just on autopilot or eating to fill an emotional need, for example.

  • Chew your food twice as long as you usually do. Eat slowly and intentionally. Sit and focus on the flavor, texture and smell of your delicious food! I find that making my own meals at home creates a sense of gratitude for the meal.

  • Gradually increase fiber intake and drink plenty of water to help keep things moving.  Fiber helps create solid waste and water helps with moving things along smoothly, if ya catch my drift.

  • If you do experience some bloating, which is going to happen from time to time, try incorporating herbs like dandelion or mint, as tea or in capsules like Hilma and Arrae (which I adore!)

  • Lay off LaCroix (and Bubly, Perrier, etc.)

  • Move daily. Take walk - studies find walking helps move food through the stomach much more quickly. When the stomach empties faster, gas is able to move more quickly into your small intestine and cause less distress.

While some bloating is a part of life and you can learn to reduce the frequency by your lifestyle choices, there can be medical conditions that you may want to explore with a medical doctor as well.  Learning to truly listen to your body is the most important thing you can do! Let me know if you implement any of these tips and if they work for you!


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