6 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Immune System

There is no time more important that TODAY, to support your immune system. I always advocate for doing as much as you can preventatively to avoid getting sick or run down in the first place. Here are my top 6 ways to naturally boost your immune system:

Take your vitamins! Specifically C, Zinc, D, Quercetin (or all of them together here) and I add NAC. I prefer to take them at night to avoid any nausea.

Get outside! Sunlight for 15 minutes a day helps your body to metabolize the Vitamin D and produce the necessary hormones needed to boost your immune system and regulate your circadian rhythm so that you get the quality sleep you need to stay healthy.

Eat the rainbow! You’ve probably heard this before, because it’s SO IMPORTANT. Your food can be your medicine or your poison. Dive deep into a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.  Avoid processed junk and sugary drinks as much as possible. Check out my Pinterest board for recipe inspo!

Limit alcohol. Covid Cocktails are real, I get it. While there is a temporary relief provided by alcohol, it only lasts so long and does more harm than good.  If your body is focusing all of its energy on eliminating a toxin (alcohol), it can’t work as well to keep you healthy too. You’ll also get better quality sleep and make better food choices, get more movement and remember to take your vitamins (and wash your face if we’re being real).

Manage your stress.  Meditate for even a few minutes a day, try breathwork or read an inspiring book. Do a HIIT workout to burn off anxiety and frustration or go slow with Pilates or a gentle flow Yoga, like Melissa Wood Health (my go-to).  It is truly energy shifting and removes you from that fight or flight stage that leads to inflammation.

Prioritize quality, restorative sleep.  It’s your body’s best defense. This means create a nighttime routine, use blue-light blocking glasses, stop scrolling Instagram and going down the TikTok hole at least an hour before you want to be asleep. You know, you know, but I mean it, it matters.

A lot of things you’ll read sound good on paper but how do you actually put these tips into action? Here’s what an ideal day would look like for me, taking all of these into account:

  • Wake up between 5:30-6am and write in my 5 Minute Gratitude Journal. I do not look at my phone in order to prevent that unnecessary and un-timely stimulation.

  • I drink room temperature lemon water in the morning for an extra dose of Vitamin C, followed by chlorophyll water and a mix of herbal teas that I make ahead of time to sip throughout the day. Mint and dandelion are two that I use often because they’re great for digestion and liver support.

  • A hike outside for an hour before work.

  • Celery juice and overnight oats (I make both over the weekend) with berries, cacao and bee pollen.

  • Block lunch hour on my calendar and take it - I eat in about 10-20 minutes and either add in a yoga flow, walk with my son, or catch up on personal emails/social media.

  • My lunch is usually something like rice and steamed veggies with a tahini sauce and a green tea with lemon for antioxidants and vitamin C (the lemon helps your body absorb the anthocyanins from the green tea.

  • I also set a few alerts in my phone (every 3 hours) throughout the day to remind myself to stop and release my shoulders and breathe.

  • Snack break - Mary’s crackers, raw sauerkraut, tahini (trust me, it’s addicting!)

  • At the end of the workday, I’ll check calendars and update lists for the next day to minimize stress from being unorganized tomorrow and allowing my mind to rest easier when going to bed.

  • Before dinner, I might take a walk with Weiland and Dave if I didn’t at lunch and this also helps me to transition from the workday to home life, otherwise I’m still on like 100 mph and get super frazzled.

  • Dinner is pickled garlic (before my meal), green salad, lentil pasta with broccoli and a piece of Endangered Species dark mint chocolate.

  • In bed around 9:30, I’ll complete the evening section of my 5 Minute Journal, practice a quick Wim Hoff guided breathing session, spritz some lavender spray, flip my phone over and read a real book until 10pm!

Obviously there is a lot of life and work happening throughout all of those practices, but by aiming for some of these things each day, you can really improve and support your immune system and overall health and wellbeing!

Let me know if you try any of these tips!

xo, Kristen


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