Answering Your Instagram Questions - #1 Health Goal

I love when I get questions from followers and having the opportunity to provide some tips and advice on how to achieve your health goals, especially for those who may not be ready or able to join a health coaching program with me just yet! I’m thinking of doing this regularly so look for the question box on Tuesdays! Here are the top 2 most often asked questions this week:

To Move Everyday

This is such a common question because we always think “oh, I’ll start tomorrow”, right?! Sometimes our goals can be a little too lofty, which deters us from getting up and moving.  What I’ve found the most effective is to simplify and aim for consistency over anything else. First, what do you enjoy? Do you like high intensity workouts or do they get your stress hormones soaring too much? Do you prefer long walks, hikes with an incline, cardio barre, or restorative yoga? Next, be honest with yourself about how much time you have and how much you’re truly willing to commit to right now (you can always increase this later). Then determine where in your schedule that time works best.  I also recommend really thinking about your natural inclination to exert effort and working with it instead of against it.  If you’re busy juggling a lot during the day, are you going to be tired when you get home? If so, set your alarm 30 minutes earlier and get it in first thing. If you find that you have more energy in the evening, or more time for something like a walk after dinner, schedule it there.  Finally, and most importantly, do something every day. We will never do anything perfectly, ever, so get that expectation right out of your mind now.  If you find you only have 10 minutes, go walk for 10 minutes.  Do 10 squats every time you pee. Do a chair yoga flow at your desk for 3 minutes.  SHOW UP for yourself.  The consistency will help you build the habit and the habit will lead to change that aligns with your goals! I’ve been using an app called Tally, and setting small goals for myself this month.  I love having a visual!

Eat More Real Food Over Processed

Look at food as your medicine! Processed food may be convenient (and taste good, thanks for many hours and dollars spent creating the perfect mouth feel in a lab…), but it is known to cause inflammation, digestive issues, headaches, brain fog and fatigue.  Many of the ingredients can also disrupt your hormones, which impact mood and anxiety, sleep, energy and your skin.  So...USE whole, unprocessed foods to your advantage! They’re full of vitamins, nutrients, amino acids, pre- and probiotics, fiber, healthy fats and protein.  When you ADD IN the good stuff, you naturally begin to crowd out the crap.  You will also likely notice that you feel better when fueling your body and mind in a better way.  I love the book “Genius Foods” by Max Lugavere too, because it really highlights the impact that food can have on your brain, now and as you get older.  You may already know all of this but you have a hard time coming up with meal inspo or keeping your kitchen stocked.  My top recommendation is to make a list once a week, in your phone or on paper, and write out what you want to eat that week.  Keep it simple.  Incorporate organic fruits and veggies, whole grains like quinoa and organic rice, millet, farro, amaranth, whatever beans you may like, such as pinto (Mexican inspired meals), cannellini (Italian inspired meals) or chickpeas for a delicious hummus (go Greek!). Lentils are also a GREAT option as a ground beef choice, in tacos, or as a staple in my favorite Ayurvedic dish, Kitchari! I also recommend cooking once to eat twice (or 3 times!). Double your recipes and then have them for lunch the next day or dinner that week. By keeping certain staples on hand and finding a few recipes you love, you can ensure that you always have something nutritious and easy on hand to make.  I will also let you in on a little secret...for many years as a single girl, I made a bowl of quinoa, sweet potato, goat cheese, sesame oil and Sriracha almost every weeknight.  Sometimes I added avocado and always a green salad. It’s still one of my go-to and Dave loves it too! If you’re looking for inspiration, check out my Pinterest board where I save recipes that I enjoy making myself. You can also DM me for my favorite cookbooks. Should I make a list in a future blog post? Oh, and please do not underestimate the Air Fryer!

I hope this shed some light on a few questions and as a reminder, I am by no means a doctor or offering medical advice, just what I know to be true for myself, my clients and through my education at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I like to say “take what you want, leave what you don’t”. If anything, I hope that this information provides you with a different perspective or an alternative way of approaching your goals so that you can figure out what works best for you! If you would like to dive deeper into your own personal health goals or challenges, you can set up a complimentary health coaching discovery call here. See you soon!




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